Thursday, 18 August 2011

East African Food Crisis - please help!

Over 12 million people across east Africa are facing severe food shortages caused by a combination of drought, irregular harvests, high food prices, conflict and displacement. The crisis has been building for some time, and is fast escalating across the region.

Christian Aid is responding in Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan. The appeal funds received so far are enabling our partners to provide urgent, life-saving assistance including providing water to villages experiencing the worst drought conditions, food for families in remote areas, and animal feed to protect the livestock that are so crucial to the survival of the pastoralists. Through our partners we are also providing urgently needed food and shelter for people in camps across the region.

However, as you will have seen in the news, the unfortunate reality is that the crisis is only going to get worse in the coming months – so more funds are desperately required to continue to provide aid and help communities rebuild their lives. Tens of thousands of people have already died – many of them children.

We urgently need your support to help save lives:

  • £7.50 could buy enough food to feed a goat for a month – and provide a family with milk to supplement their diet.
  • £22 could pay for a mosquito net, blankets, sleeping mats, plastic sheeting for housing and other essential items to meet the immediate needs of refugees arriving in camps.
  • £61.50 could pay for the labour needed to maintain one borehole, providing water to 1,000 people affected by drought.
  • £108 could pay for the parts needed to repair a pump at one borehole, restoring water to more than 140 families.
  • £150 could pay for beans, maize, salt and vegetable oil for a family for five months in a camp.

Please, if you can, send a gift TODAY. Because the sooner we receive your donation, the sooner we can turn your compassion into action – and save lives.

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