Monday 7 July 2014

Update from Canon Andrew White in Baghdad

Blessings from Baghdad
It is not possible to get across to you the reality of the problems in Iraq today. 2,500 people have been killed this month; 1 million 
people have fled their homes. The whole infrastructure of the nation has disappeared and the needs are greater than ever. Basic communication has been stopped, there is no longer any Skype, Facebook or anything beyond basic email and phone. Facebook was the main way I communicated with people, I cannot any more. If people want to communicate with me you can only do it through my private email Please do feel free to contact me here.

We continue to try and meet the needs of the people which are so great. Please keep praying for us and keep helping us, the needs are so great, we need you.

Yesterday I did an interview with CCN and BBC Radio 4 for the Today program probably on Wednesday. Whilst being interviewed I was asked if there will be any Christians left here soon. I said I don't know but I will not leave hear as long as one Christian remains, as long as the Lord allows me to remain.

Canon Andrew White

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