Friday 9 December 2011

Death threats have been issued against the Christians by Islamists in Iraqi Kurdistan.

The violence erupted in the city of Zakho after Friday prayers on 2 December. Hundreds of Muslims, apparently incited by the imam’s vitriolic sermon, headed straight from a local mosque to businesses owned by Christians and Yezidis, another minority group; they set ablaze 20 shops, three hotels, a massage parlour and a hair salon. At least 30 people were injured, and several million dollars’ worth of damage was caused.    The Muslim mob swelled to more than 3,000 and moved on to attack Christian property in the city of Dohuk, the town of Sumaili and village of Shiuz.
The attackers were chanting “Allahu Akhbar” (“god is great”) and abusing Christians, while some were randomly firing shots.
They reportedly torched one man’s restaurant, shop and cafeteria before moving on to his apartment, which they set ablaze with his children inside.
The following morning, more than 100 people, mainly youths, threw stones at a church and homes belonging to Christians in Almansoria.

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