Thursday 1 December 2011

Now published - Latin-English Psalter

The psalms are the hymn book of the Church and the core of the Daily Office, the Prayer of the Church.
This book is the product of a perceived need for a deeper understanding of the traditional Latin on which our current Psalter is based. There is a simple and yet profound dignity evoked by the ancient words and rhythms.
The Latin text of the Jerome  / Gallican / Clementine Version of the Psalter is printed with Challoner’s revision of the Douay translation.  The former was chosen for its originality and the latter because it seems to convey more accurately the grammar and syntax of the original Latin.
Published by Jacquedaw (available from Amazon)
ISBN : 978-0-9565118-4-3
260 pp      £12.00 (inc p+p)

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