Tuesday, 24 December 2013

O Emmanuel

A day late!  But makes the set complete!  ERO CRAS

Saturday, 21 December 2013

O Rex Gentium

O Oriens

Friday, 20 December 2013

Thursday, 19 December 2013

O Radix Jesse

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

O Adonai

Monday, 16 December 2013

O Sapienta

Monday, 25 November 2013

An Advent Pilgrimage

by Paul Nicholson SJ


A new Advent book offers material for prayer for each day of the season based on its author’s experiences of and reflections on what it means to be a pilgrim. Paul Nicholson SJ describes the approach to prayer that he hopes will lead his readers to ‘consolation’ as they join him on An Advent Pilgrimage.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

New Bishop of Portsmouth to be Mgr Mark O'Toole

He will succeed Bishop Christopher Budd, who has served the Pope Francis has appointed Mgr Mark O’Toole as the new Bishop of Plymouth.diocese in the south of England since 1986.
The bishop-elect served as personal secretary to Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor and then, from 2008, as rector of Allen Hall, the seminary of the Archdiocese of Westminster.
Mgr O’Toole said: “I am deeply humbled that the Holy Father, Pope Francis, has appointed me the new Bishop of Plymouth. Recognising that I am a sinner who experiences the love and mercy of the Lord Jesus, I embrace with my whole self this deeper call to service in His Church. I know that the example and witness of Pope Francis will continue to inspire and shape my ministry as Shepherd to all in the Diocese, especially to serve the poor, the weak, and those who feel alienated from God, as I work alongside fellow Christians.
“This part of the country is known for its outstanding natural beauty, and this is mirrored in the gracious welcome shown to the newcomer by its people. I look forward very much to putting down firm roots in the Diocese and making my home in Plymouth. I know I can count on the prayer, co-operation and support of the people, the religious and especially the priests of the Diocese who are renowned for their quiet heroism, fidelity and dedication. You will all show me what it means to be your bishop. I am grateful, too, that Bishop Christopher will be nearby so that I can draw on his wisdom and experience.
“My own priestly heart has been formed in the Diocese of Westminster and I have been richly blessed by the faith and witness of many – bishops, priests, seminarians, religious, and lay men and women. I look especially to the outstanding leadership of my three Archbishops – Cardinal Basil Hume OSB, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor and Archbishop Vincent Nichols. Each of them has taught me so much. I am deeply grateful for the friendship and love of so many in the Diocese and I ask their continued prayer. I will miss especially everyone at Allen Hall. I have seen how essential the vocation of the priest is for our Church and our society. I hope I can continue to make its promotion a priority in this new mission.
“I entrust the whole Diocese of Plymouth, and myself, into the loving care of Mary, our Mother, as we set out on this journey together, seeking also the intercession of St Boniface and our diocesan saints, especially St Cuthbert Mayne.”
Bishop Budd said: “I am delighted to welcome Mgr Mark O’Toole as my successor as Catholic Bishop of Plymouth and I am grateful to Pope Francis for sending him to us. He is coming to a lovely community of Priests, deacons and Religious and people of God who make up the Diocese. I know he will receive a warm and loving welcome. May the Lord bless his Ministry among us.”
Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster, said: “‘It is in giving that we receive.’ These words come to mind as we, in the Diocese of Westminster, welcome the news that Mgr Mark O’Toole is to be the next Bishop of Plymouth in succession to Bishop Christopher Budd.
“Mgr Mark has fulfilled many roles in our Diocese, best known as Rector of our Seminary, Allen Hall, and as Secretary to Cardinal Cormac for six years. He is a dedicated, gifted and experienced priest who will become an excellent Bishop of Plymouth and a valued member of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.
“We shall miss him but always hold him in our prayers especially as he prepares to take up this new mission, given by the Lord. He will go to Plymouth fully supported by the love and esteem of everyone in this Diocese.”
Pope Pius IX established the Diocese of Plymouth in 1850. The new bishop will be the ninth in the diocese’s history.
The diocese covers the counties of Cornwall, Devon, and Dorset. The episcopal see is the Cathedral Church of St Mary and St Boniface in Plymouth.
Bishop Budd reached the retirement age of 75 on May 27 2012. In an interview with the Tablet this week he said he wondered why it was taking so long to appoint his successor.
“I don’t think things are happening very quickly, he said. “People are keen to know who is their new bishop.”
Today marks the second English episcopal appointment by Pope Francis. The first was Bishop Alan Hopes of East Anglia in June.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Cardinal says the Church should remain a part of public life

The former leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, warned that laws created in the name of tolerance must not become themselves intolerant of some sections of society. He added: ‘Governments must be wary of laws enshrining freedom and tolerance and their impact on the Church.’

Read more: The Telegraph 27/10/13

Friday, 25 October 2013

Magistrates reject calls to end swearing on Bible in court

The Magistrates Association, which represents 23,000 lay magistrates, has rejected a motion which proposed ceasing the current practice of defendants and witnesses swearing on the Bible.
At their annual general meeting in Cardiff, Graham Higgins, a magistrate who opposed the motion, told the meeting: ‘We will be pilloried for going against centuries of tradition’. Another JP urged members to reject the motion because it represented a: ‘further marginalisation of faith in our society’. The motion was defeated by a show of hands.
Read more: Daily Telegraph 21/10/13

Friday, 18 October 2013

French version of 'The Lord's Prayer' re-written

After a 17-year debate around The Lord's Prayer, theologians and writers have concluded that the French equivalent: 'And lead us not into temptation' implied that God could lead people astray, rather than help keep them on the straight and narrow, and thus had 'blasphemous' overtones. The French line used to read: 'And don’t submit us to temptation.' It now reads: 'And don’t let us enter into temptation'. The change will be incorporated into a new French translation of the Bible validated by the Vatican that will be published next month.
Read more: The Telegraph 15/10/13

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Bishop Davies to consecrate Diocese of Shrewsbury to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Bishop Mark Davies will on Sunday consecrate the Diocese of Shrewsbury to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The act of consecration by the Bishop of Shrewsbury will be performed on the same morning as Pope Francis consecrates the world to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.
IMG_1959The prayer of consecration will be read out by the Bishop in Shrewsbury Cathedral at end of 10.45am Mass on Sunday October 13.
Bishop Davies is deliberately associating his act with the prayer of consecration that will be offered by Pope Francis in Rome on the same day.
He has asked the clergy of the Shrewsbury diocese to join him in the prayer of consecration in their own parishes on Sunday morning.
In a statement, Bishop Davies said: “I see this act of entrustment to Mary’s Immaculate Heart as an antidote to the rapid process of secularisation and de-Christianisation in societies like our own.
“It points to the often over-looked priority in the leadership of Pope Francis which constantly calls for our interior conversion, a change at heart (Mk 1:15).
Bishop profile“Mary is the model of a life totally consecrated to God, her pure heart (Mt.5:8) completely open to the call and grace of God.
“By this prayer of entrustment we each seek to associate ourselves with her heart, to embrace her words ‘let it be to me according to your word’ (Lk.1: 38) and so to live fully our Baptismal consecration.”
The Bishop continued said: “At Fatima, amid an era marked by wars, destruction and persecutions on a scale unprecedented in human history, Our Lady pointed us to the indispensable means of prayer and penance so that our hearts may be purified, so that peace may be received by humanity. In this way we will surely witness the triumph of her Immaculate Heart.”
October is the month of the Holy Rosary and October 13 corresponds with is the date of the sixth and final apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to three children in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917.
In August, the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal announced that Pope Francis had requested that the original statue of Our Lady of Fatima be transported to the Vatican for the consecration.
It will be the 11th time since the statue was made in 1920 that permission has been granted for its removal from the shrine.
The statue has not been taken to the Vatican since 1984 when Blessed Pope John Paul II consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary a year after he was gunned down in St Peter’s Square.
During the celebrations, Pope John Paul gave one of the bullets that struck him to the Bishop of Leira-Fatima and it was later placed in the statue’s golden crown.
The statue will be welcomed by Pope Francis on Saturday evening for a prayer service in St Peter’s Square.
Then it will be taken to the Shrine of Divine Love, Rome, where pilgrims will be able to pray before the statue during an all-night vigil.
On Sunday morning it will be transported back to the Vatican and Pope Francis will offer the prayers of consecration during a morning of worship that will include the recitation of the rosary and Mass.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Take religious education seriously – Ofsted tells the teachers

A report by Ofsted, the schools inspectorate, has found that a third of primary school children had an ‘inadequate’ understanding of Christianity.
Inspectors, who visited 185 secondary schools and more than 30 primary schools, said teachers were fearful of ‘saying the wrong thing’ in classes.
Michael Cladingbowl, Ofsted schools director, said: ‘Inspectors found that very few children were being taught in school to get to grips with religion. They had little understanding of why religion is important or of how different religions could help them make sense of their own lives.’
Read more: Ofsted.gov.uk

Friday, 4 October 2013

Pope urges prayer for people in despair

During October, Pope Francis has asked Catholics to pray especially for people feeling so crushed by life that they wish to end it; and that they may sense the nearness of God's love. Pope Francis said: ‘For God, we are not numbers, we are important, indeed we are the most important thing to him; we are what is closest to his heart.’
Read more: Catholic Herald 2/10/13

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Saturday, 24 August 2013

New home for Ordinariate SBVM

The new religious community of the Personal Ordinariate, the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary, have a permanent home for the first time since they were received into the full communion of the Catholic Church on New Year’s Day. They are to move on Tuesday (August 27) into a convent in Birmingham which is the former home of the Little Sisters of the Assumption.  
Mother Winsome, the Superior of the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary, said: “We are absolutely overjoyed to have been given the opportunity to live in this convent.  We have prayed long and hard and the Lord has opened up this way for us. It is a gift from God.”
The community, established as part of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham adopting the Benedictine rule, includes eleven sisters who had been part of the Anglican Community of St Mary the Virgin in Wantage Oxfordshire and one, Sister Carolyne Joseph, who belonged to an Anglican  community in Walsingham.
With no endowments to keep them afloat financially, the sisters have been living for the last eight months as guests at an enclosed Benedictine abbey on the Isle of Wight. “The abbess and the community there shared their Benedictine life with us and welcomed us into their hearts in the most wonderfully generous way”, Mother Winsome said. “It has been a life of complete harmony and joy and it will be a wrench to leave. But we are pleased beyond measure that our journey of faith has taken this new direction”. 
The provision of Benedictine hospitality through retreats is central to the community’s charism. Their intention is to earn a living at their new home by offering retreats and the ministry of spiritual direction.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Support for Guide Leaders who want to keep the traditional promise.

An Anglican Bishop yesterday urged Christian Girl Guides leaders to  continue to fight plans  to scrap the promise to ‘love my God’.
Michael Nazir-Ali, formerly Bishop of Rochester, said they should follow the example of ‘rogue’ leaders who are defying their national HQ’s controversial orders.
From next month youngsters will instead promise to ‘be true to myself and develop my beliefs’ after it was decreed the old promise could discourage new members from joining.
However, a group of Guide  leaders in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, are resisting adopting the new promise, saying the organisation has ‘God at its core’.
Bishop Nazir-Ali said: ‘If there are others like this group – indeed I would hope that there are many others like it – why should they not be allowed to continue to have a reference to God? If these people really believe in diversity they would allow them to do that. Why should they face  expulsion from the Girl Guides movement which is rooted in the Christian faith?’
Warning the row could lead to a split in the Guides as a whole, he added: ‘Ultimately if there is not going to be any diversity permitted, these people may need to group together in a way that they can support one another.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2400651/The-Girl-Guides-Bishop-backs-Guide-leaders-refuse-drop-promise-God-favour-non-religious-alternative.html#ixzz2cmkSZHwE

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Red Tomato Chutney!

A surfeit of tomatoes - time to make some chutney!

And two and a half hour later!
Looking good!

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Maximilian Kolbe was born in Poland in 1894, became a Franciscan friar as a teenager, and was later ordained as a priest who served a small parish community. But when the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939, tragic events of human suffering where set into motion in which Kolbe's destiny would be sealed and his holiness revealed.
The story is well known. In his labors to protect many Jewish refugees, Kolbe found himself a Nazi target, was arrested, and sent off to Auschwitz in 1941. There, in the midst of the death camp's unimaginable daily horrors, he worked to encourage his fellow prisoners by setting an example of faith and hope.
One day a prisoner escaped, and, in order to bring an end to any future plans of the same, the guards decided to punish 10 inmates of cellblock 14 by condemning them to death by starvation in an underground bunker. One of the ten was Franciszek Gajowniczek, who began to weep and cried out, "My poor wife and children! I will never see them again!" At that moment, Fr. Kolbe calmly and purposefully stepped forward.
"I wish to die for that man. I am old; he has a wife and children." Such an unusual offer surprised the deputy commandant, who asked Kolbe to identify himself. His response was simple and direct: "I am a Catholic priest." Those words said far more about the saint than any name possibly could. The commandant agreed to grant the request.
Thrown into the dank, crowded underground bunker with the other men, Maximilian Kolbe continued to set an example of faith and hope, leading them in prayers of praise and adoration to God, singing hymns, and encouraging them to focus on the certain and irrevocable promises of Christ. Looking back on those events, we see that Fr. Kolbe's food, in imitation of the Saviour, was to do the Father's will (see Jn 4:34), for weeks later it became necessary to kill him by lethal injection.
Maximilian Kolbe, a martyr for charity, was canonized by Pope John Paul II on 10 October 1982, with the surviving Franciszek Gajowniczek present.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Pilgrim walks 1,800 miles

Fabio Mateus, a 32-year-old Catholic, has walked 1,800 miles from his home in the north-east of Brazil to Rio de Janeiro for World Youth Day in an attempt to show his country ‘Jesus is alive’. His journey began four months ago and it has taken him along some of Brazil’s busiest motorways, through the states of Ceará, Pernambuco, Bahia and Minas Gerais and past more than 70 cities and towns.
Read more: Catholic Herald 17/7/13

Monday, 15 July 2013

Summer days - at last!

The garden is at last beginning to show encouraging signs:

this one started life as a bird seed!

 oh no!  a weed in the summerhouse!

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Diaconal Ordinations for the Personal Ordinariate

On Saturday 27 July 2013, at midday, Bishop Richard Moth, Bishop of the Armed Forces, will ordain four men as transitional deacons for the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.
Scott Anderson, Anthony Watkins, Philip Penfold, and Darryl Jordan, will be ordained in the church of Our Lady of the Assumption and Saint Gregory, Warwick Street, which has been in the care of the Personal Ordinariate since Holy Week this year.
All four men have been received into the full communion of the Catholic Church by means of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, and have been undergoing their initial formation for Sacred Priesthood, which continues for two years after ordination.
All are welcome to attend the Ordination Mass.

Friday, 28 June 2013

Saint Peter and Saint Paul (by Fr John Twist SJ


29 June is the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. Both were men of great faith and influence, but they had very different understandings of the Messiah to whom they dedicated their lives, as John Twist SJ explains.

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  In general, each saint has his or her own feast day: where a whole block of saints share a feast it is usually through having a common fate, such a being martyred as a group. But that Peter and Paul are always tied with one another and have their common feast on 29 June is especially surprising, because it would be difficult to find two more different personalities than those of Peter and Paul.
Peter very much belonged to the heartland of the Israelite faith. The twelve tribes had been given a ‘land flowing with milk and honey’ to be their possession. In that land they would be at peace, they would prosper and they would have the privilege of the divine presence dwelling in the Temple in Jerusalem. And if ever there was a land flowing with milk and honey, it was surely Galilee, the area in which Peter lived. Rich, fertile land, an inland sea teeming with fish, idyllic scenery: this was the environment that Peter enjoyed, and in which he had met Jesus, the man who told him, ‘I will make you a fisher of men’.
Paul, on the other hand, was part of the Jewish dispersion. Since their exile by the Babylonians, Jewish people had begun to live outside the Promised Land, and as time went on they had positively opted to live in the great cities of the Middle East and Mediterranean. Thus by the time that Jesus lived, vast numbers of Jews resided outside the Holy Land. Paul, therefore, was very familiar with the Greek and Roman cultures that would have seemed strange to Peter the fisherman.
The difference in background may well have been one of the factors that led the two great apostles to have sharply different understandings of the Messiah in whom they believed. Whilst Peter did come to realise that the Good News was for all nations, his heart remained in Galilee, and he was more at ease with old ways and traditions with which he was familiar. Paul, however, seized on the radical implications of the gospel as a gift to all peoples, an act of God to break down barriers between nations, cultures, languages and subgroups, and thus bring about one giant human family of which God was the father. This led to a strong clash between the two personalities, but this proved to be constructive and fruitful.
It is believed that the two great apostles were both martyred in Rome: Paul executed with a sword as a Roman citizen; Peter crucified upside down in imitation of his friend, Jesus. There can be little doubt that Paul was the more influential figure, with his letters forming a major part of the New Testament; Paul was the great theoretician of Christianity. But it is Peter who is more warmly embraced. Here is a very human figure, with real defects but great generosity; a man all of us can not merely admire, but to a degree can hope to imitate. Paul’s thoughts have left their mark on Christianity, but it is Peter’s personality that has moved Christian hearts.

Fr John Twist SJ is Chaplain to Stonyhurst College.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Gospels launched in Romani language

Gospels launched in Romani language
A translation of the Gospels in the Roma language was launched in southern Serbia at the end of May.

The Roma or Romani people – often called 'gypsies' – trace their ancestry back to India and worldwide speak several different forms of the Roma language.

The one spoken in Leskovac where the launch took place is around 800 years old. It's spoken across the former Yugoslavia, Romania and Bulgaria, meaning that these Gospels could ultimately reach some 8.5 million people.

And there's a real need for this, says Pastor Bakic: the Roma church in Leskovac is thriving, and across Serbia, the Roma people are becoming Christians.

In Leskovac some 10,000 Roma have become Christians, since the first person converted from nominal Islam back in 1976. Currently, the Roma in Leskovac read the Bible in Serbian, a language particularly familiar to the children who are educated in it. But, says Vera Mitic, General Secretary of the Bible Society of Serbia, having even part of the Bible in the language you speak at home makes a big difference to how you understand it.

'It's a special feeling to have the Bible in your own language,' she says. 'It's the most important book you can have. It means a lot for the identity of the people.'

Among the congregation is 70-year-old Batijarevic Ferija who's walked 4km to attend the service. It's the first time that she's left her home since suffering a stroke in February.

'This is the most important evening of my life,' she says, clutching her copy of the Gospels. 'We have a saying, this is "balm for my soul".'

The Gospels took four years and £43,000 to translate, produce and distribute. They're being given away for free by the Bible Society of Serbia.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Five Ways to Ruin the Mass (by Jeffrey Tucker)

Worship Service pic
We are getting ever closer to an improved liturgy in the English-speaking world. The new Missal gives us a more dignified language that more closely reflects the Latin standard. The hippy-dippy rupturism of the past is finally giving way to a more settled and solemn appreciation of the intrinsic majesty of the Roman rite.
A new generation of celebrants is moving past the politicized agendas of the past toward embracing the true spirit of the liturgy. Maybe it hasn’t happened in your parish but the trend is clear: better music, better vestments, better postures and rubrics.
And yet, we all know that things are not what they should be. It is an interesting experiment to travel and attend Sunday Mass at a random parish. You might find wonderful things. Or you might find something else entirely. Having experienced many of the latter, and talking with many other people about their experiences, I here list the top five ways in which the presentation of the liturgy can ruin the liturgical experience.
1. Improvisation of the Liturgical Texts
The problem of celebrants who make up their own words on the spot, in hopes of making the liturgy more chatty and familiar, continues to be a serious annoyance. It is obviously illicit to do so. Celebrants are permitted to break to explain parts of the Mass or provide other special instructions. But they are not permitted to replace liturgical texts with something that they dreamed up on the spot.
This abuse is extremely disorienting and draws undue attention to the personality and personal views of the priest rather than to the theology and ritual prescribed by the Church. It is also ridiculously presumptuous for any one person to imagine that he has a better idea than the liturgical text formed from 2,000 years of tradition.
I have my own theory on why it is so common for celebrants to just make things up on the spot. The older Missal translation dating from 1970 and onward was so casual, chatty, and plain that it encouraged the priest to enter into this world of casual communication. The formality just wasn’t there to encourage a more sober, careful, and accurate presentation. Also, many improvisers just had a sense that the text needed fixing of some sort.
This has changed with the new Missal, and this is all to the good. The new translation is very dignified and requires careful focus. But the habit of riffing around on the prayers remains among many priests.
This is truly tragic for everyone sitting in the pews. If the texts can just be ignored, why shouldn’t the faithful themselves feel free to take what they want and otherwise discard core teachings of the faith? This whole practices encourages a general disrespect for the ritual and even the faith itself.
2. Politicized and Newsy Prayer of the Faithful
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal says of the prayer of the faithful: “The intentions announced should be sober, be composed with a wise liberty and in few words, and they should be expressive of the prayer of the entire community.”
“Wise liberty” seems to be in short supply however. Sometimes these prayers seem like last month’s newspaper, calling to mind events that left the 48-hour news cycle long ago. Or they can seem subtly manipulative, trying to get us to think and believe things about the controversies of the day that are actually more in dispute than the prayer would indicate. A particular annoyance to me are the prayers that are crafted to straddle some kind of triangulating political position that has nothing to do with the liturgy or doctrine or morals.
Most parishes today use pre-printed prayers from private publishers. Some are better than others. The best ones are brief and stick to the formula: prayers for the Church, for public authorities and the salvation of the whole world, for those burdened, and for the local community. The worst ones lead the whole liturgy astray in very distracting ways.
3. Extended and Chatty Sign of the Peace
The rite of peace has a long tradition in the Roman Rite dating to the earliest centuries. It was mostly restricted to the clergy. There are arguments and disputes about whether extending it to the congregation is a revival of a lost tradition or an innovation. Regardless, this much we do know: it is not supposed to be a micro-social hour that encourages people to mill around as if at a cocktail party.
The Missal plainly says that the extension to the congregation is optional. The requirement of the rite is fulfilled in the sanctuary alone. Therefore, if there is an invitation to have the people offer a sign of peace, it should be short. The General Instruction says: “it is appropriate that each person, in a sober manner, offer the sign of peace only to those who are nearest.”
But even this is vague. What is nearest? What if you are the only person in your section of the pew? Do you walk, wave, or just ignore people? And note that no rubric specifies the handshake as the appropriate gesture. We do that just because this is our cultural custom. But is the handshake really liturgical?
In general, this whole part of the Mass invites confusion and awkwardness, and no matter how much we try to solemnize it, it still has more of the feeling of a civic or social activity than a truly liturgical one. At best it is a distraction. At worst, it can result in hurt feelings and all around confusion.
4. Replacing Sung Propers with Something Else
Since the earliest centuries, the liturgy assigned particular scriptural texts to particular liturgical days. This happens at the entrance, the music between readings, the offertory, and the communion. The instructions are very clear: the assigned chant is to be sung. If something else was sung, the words were still said by the priest. And so it was in most countries from the 7th century until quite recently.
Today, the Mass propers are mostly replaced by something else, usually a hymn with words made up by some lyricist. Quite often the results have nothing to do with the liturgy at all. It’s actually remarkable when you think about it. Choirs busy themselves with replacing crucial parts of the liturgy. They just drop them completely. Mostly they do this with no awareness of what they are doing.
How many choirs know that their processional hymn is displacing the assigned entrance? How many know that there is a real antiphon assigned at the offertory and that it is not just a time for the choir to sing its favorite number? How many have read the repeated urgings in the General Instruction to sing the assigned chant or at least use the text in the official choir books rather than just choose a random song loosely based on the theme of the season?
To be sure, this is technically permissible to do, but, truly, this approach “cheats the faithful,” as the Vatican wrote in an instruction in 1969. The propers of the Mass are crucial. They are from scripture. Their Gregorian originals are stunningly evocative of the liturgical spirit and even define it. Even if sung in English or in choral style, the propers are part of the Mass. It should always be seen as regrettable when something else replaces them.
The General Instruction says “Nor is it lawful to replace the readings and Responsorial Psalm, which contain the Word of God, with other, non‐biblical texts.” That’s pretty definitive. But the same rationale should apply to the entrance, offertory, and communion chants as well.
Composed hymns with non-scriptural texts don’t need to be thrown out completely. They can be sung and always will be. But the real liturgical work of the choir is found in the Mass propers. That’s their primary responsibility. There are resources newly available that make it possible for any choir to do the right thing.
5. Percussion
In the first millennium, instruments were not part of the sung Mass, but as time went on, the organ was gradually admitted. By the 17th and 18th centuries, whole orchestras were used in certain locations. Even today you can find places where orchestral Masses are used that include tympani and other percussion instruments.
Most likely, that is not the context in which percussion instruments are used in your parish.
Today we hear conga drums, trap sets, bongos, and other drums played not in the style of Monteverdi processions, or Masses by Haydn or Mozart. Instead we hear them just as we would hear them in a bar or dance hall.
They are used just as they are in the secular world: to keep a beat, to make the music groovy, to inspired us to kind of do a bit of a dance. That’s the association of percussion we have in our culture. It is not a sacred association. The association is entirely profane. There’s a role for that. But Church is not the place and Mass is not the time.
And keep in mind: the piano is a percussion instrument. It has been traditionally banned in Church because it has non-liturgical associations. In today’s anything-goes environment, it is tolerated even by the liturgical regulations. But it is always a regrettable choice. The whole point of liturgical music is to lift our eyes and hearts to heaven, not drag us down to the dance floor.
One final point on this matter: you will notice that many of the songs in the conventional songbooks for Mass today seem to long for a drum-set backup. That’s because their style is borrowed from commercial jingles, TV show theme songs, power ballads from the 1970s, and so on. I don’t entirely blame choirs who choose drums to help out to make this style make more sense. What really needs to change is the whole approach here. Liturgical music has several critical marks: it uses the liturgical text, it grows out of the chant tradition, and sends a cultural signal that this is a sacred action in a sacred place.
A liturgy in which all five errors are committed is going to look and feel very different from one in which all five errors are completely avoided. The former will be random and unhistorical. The latter will be…more like Catholic Mass. It really is up to the pastors, musicians, and leaders in a parish to permit the voice of the liturgy to speak and sing without being impeded by these interventions, which really serve to distract from the beautiful miracle before our eyes.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Flooding in Lourdes

A tyre floats past the flooded grotto of Lourdes (AP)

Flash flooding caused by heavy rains has forced officials to close the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Authorities evacuated about 200 people, most of them from camping grounds near the shrine, after water levels rose quickly following heavy rain and unseasonal snowfall in the area a day earlier.
The Lourdes grotto, where St Bernadette Soubirous witnessed an apparition of Our Lady in 1858, was under as much as five feet of water, Mathias Terrier, who is in charge of communications at the shrine, told AFP.
The nearby Gave de Pau River was flowing about 11 feet above its normal level, Mr Terrier said.
He said the floods posed a greater threat to the shrine than those of last October that caused damage amounting to more than £1.5m ($1m).
“It’s very serious, the water is still rising. There is nothing we can do. We just have to wait and cross our fingers and hope,” he said.
“We have taken preventative measures to evacuate everyone. At the moment, we are most concerned with trying to rehouse people and once that is done we will look at any damage caused. People are the priority at the moment.”
Shrine officials planned to keep the sanctuary ringing the grotto closed today, but said that Mass would be celebrated at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, which is safely out of reach of the flood waters.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Letter of Pope Francis to David Cameron on eve of the G8 summit

To The Right Honourable David Cameron, MP
Prime Minister
I am pleased to reply to your kind letter of 5 June 2013, with which you were good enough to inform me of your Government’s agenda for the British G8 Presidency during the year 2013 and of the forthcoming Summit, due to take place at Lough Erne on 17 and 18 June 2013, entitled A G8 meeting that goes back to first principles.
If this topic is to attain its broadest and deepest resonance, it is necessary to ensure that all political and economic activity, whether national or international, makes reference to man. Indeed, such activity must, on the one hand, enable the maximum expression of freedom and creativity, both individual and collective, while on the other hand it must promote and guarantee their responsible exercise in solidarity, with particular attention to the poorest.
The priorities that the British Presidency has set out for the Lough Erne Summit are concerned above all with the free international market, taxation, and transparency on the part of governments and economic actors. Yet the fundamental reference to man is by no means lacking, specifically in the proposal for concerted action by the Group to eliminate definitively the scourge of hunger and to ensure food security. Similarly, a further sign of attention to the human person is the inclusion as one of the central themes on the agenda of the protection of women and children from sexual violence in conflict situations, even though it must be remembered that the indispensable context for the development of all the afore-mentioned political actions is that of international peace. Sadly, concern over serious international crises is a recurring theme in the deliberations of the G8, and this year it cannot fail to address the situation in the Middle East, especially in Syria.. In this regard, I earnestly hope that the Summit will help to obtain an immediate and lasting cease-fire and to bring all parties in the conflict to the negotiating table. Peace demands a far-sighted renunciation of certain claims, in order to build together a more equitable and just peace. Moreover, peace is an essential pre-requisite for the protection of women, children and other innocent victims, and for making a start towards conquering hunger, especially among the victims of war.
The actions included on the agenda of the British G8 Presidency, which point towards law as the golden thread of development – as well as the consequent commitments to deal with tax avoidance and to ensure transparency and responsibility on the part of governments – are measures that indicate the deep ethical roots of these problems, since, as my predecessor Benedict XVI made clear, the present global crisis shows that ethics is not something external to the economy, but is an integral and unavoidable element of economic thought and action.
The long-term measures that are designed to ensure an adequate legal framework for all economic actions, as well as the associated urgent measures to resolve the global economic crisis, must be guided by the ethics of truth. This includes, first and foremost, respect for the truth of man, who is not simply an additional economic factor, or a disposable good, but is equipped with a nature and a dignity that cannot be reduced to simple economic calculus. Therefore concern for the fundamental material and spiritual welfare of every human person is the starting-point for every political and economic solution and the ultimate measure of its effectiveness and its ethical validity.
Moreover, the goal of economics and politics is to serve humanity, beginning with the poorest and most vulnerable wherever they may be, even in their mothers’ wombs. Every economic and political theory or action must set about providing each inhabitant of the planet with the minimum wherewithal to live in dignity and freedom, with the possibility of supporting a family, educating children, praising God and developing one’s own human potential. This is the main thing; in the absence of such a vision, all economic activity is meaningless.
In this sense, the various grave economic and political challenges facing today’s world require a courageous change of attitude that will restore to the end (the human person) and to the means (economics and politics) their proper place. Money and other political and economic means must serve, not rule, bearing in mind that, in a seemingly paradoxical way, free and disinterested solidarity is the key to the smooth functioning of the global economy.
I wished to share these thoughts with you, Prime Minister, with a view to highlighting what is implicit in all political choices, but can sometimes be forgotten: the primary importance of putting humanity, every single man and woman, at the centre of all political and economic activity, both nationally and internationally, because man is the truest and deepest resource for politics and economics, as well as their ultimate end.
Dear Prime Minister, trusting that these thoughts have made a helpful spiritual contribution to your deliberations, I express my sincere hope for a fruitful outcome to your work and I invoke abundant blessings upon the Lough Erne Summit and upon all the participants, as well as upon the activities of the British G8 Presidency during the year 2013, and I take this opportunity to reiterate my good wishes and to express my sentiments of esteem.
From the Vatican, 15 June 2013

Friday, 14 June 2013

Downside Abbey to open doors on UK's largest monastic library

14th century Book of Hours, Downside Abbey monastic library
The Downside Abbey monastic library includes a 14th century Book of Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which dates back to the 14th century.
The doors of the largest monastic library in the UK and the admired but leaking modernist building which holds it will open to the public for the first time after a major grant to Downside Abbey from the Heritage Lottery fund.
The Benedictine monks, who also run Downside school at the abbey near Shepton Mallet in Somerset, founded the monastery after they were expelled from France in the wake of the revolution, but their library - described by the abbot, Dom Aidan Bellenger, as a "secret garden" - was already centuries old and among its 450,000 volumes are many illuminated manuscripts dating back to the Middle Ages.
Once conservation work on the building is complete, exhibitions, guided tours and regular public access are planned to the books and archives of the community, founded in Douai in 1606.The order trained generations of priests to work as missionaries in Protestant England – including six who were hung, drawn and quartered as traitors or spies in the early 17th century.
The library's treasures include Cardinal John Henry Newman's personal copy of the Bible, together with some of the earliest Bibles printed in English, a beautifully illustrated 14th-century Book of Hours and other medieval manuscripts, rare theological texts, and unusual donated collections. These include books on sundials, birds, archaeology and local history, along with the archives of the English Benedictine Congregation dating back to the 17th century.
There was no full catalogue of the collection until after 1971, when the books were moved to the new library building from storage in cupboards and attics all over the abbey.
Although most of the abbey's gothic buildings are Victorian, the library was added in a strikingly modern design by Francis Pollen. At six storeys tall with double height windows, it has been described by the architectural historian Alan Powers as "like nuts threaded onto a bolt" and was intended to suggest a beacon when lit from inside at night.
The £856,000 grant means the building will now be restored and the glazing replaced to improve the climate control and protect the collection. Much of it will also be placed online for the first time.
Bellenger said: "The secret garden of this great centre of Christian culture and heritage has at last been opened. Home to a vast range of books, pamphlets, periodicals and papers dating back centuries, the library has palpable potential and Downside are delighted to have its rightful place as a national centre for religious heritage unlocked thanks to the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund."
Old Gregorians, named for the abbey's patron saint Gregory the Great, include the Oscar-nominated playwright Peter Morgan, the author and former Tory MP Rupert Allason, the hotelier Rocco Forte, the television presenter Chris Kelly and the late novelist and Private Eye diarist Auberon Waugh.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Bishop Alan Hopes as new Bishop of East Anglia

The Pope has appointed Bishop Alan Hopes as new Bishop of East Anglia.
The 69-year-old is currently auxilliary Bishop of Westminster. A former Church of England vicar, he converted to Catholicism in 1994 and was appointed vicar-general of Westminster in 2001.
The see has been vacant since July 11, 2011, following the death of Bishop Michael Evans from cancer.
Speaking of the appointment, Bishop Hopes said: “It is with a profound sense of trust in God’s loving care for us, that I will undertake this new ministry as Bishop of East Anglia, entrusted to me by our Holy Father, Pope Francis. In this year of faith, and at the beginning of the pontificate of Pope Francis, it is an immense privilege to be called to follow in the footsteps of the late Bishop Michael Evans in serving and leading God’s holy people in this diocese.”
“I am grateful indeed to Fr David Bagstaff who has been Diocesan Administrator for the past two years and all who have had supported him in this responsibility.”
Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster, said he was “delighted” by the appointed and said he would like to thank Bishop Hopes for his “considerable service” for Westminster.
East Anglia Diocesan Administrator Fr David Bagstaff welcomed the new bishop, and said: ”I am sure that he will be warmly welcomed in our Diocese, which has worked so hard to continue our mission of proclaiming the Gospel over the two years since Bishop Michael’s death. I am most grateful to the priests and people of the Diocese for their support, and am glad to hand over the responsibility for the Diocese to an experienced and trusted colleague who already has some knowledge of our Diocese and has expressed such joy in his appointment.”

An historic Mass was celebrated at Shrewsbury Abbey to mark the Year of Faith.

It was only the second time since the Reformation of the 16th century that a Mass has been celebrated at the abbey, formerly a Benedictine foundation dating back almost a thousand years.
The Mass was arranged by the Shrewsbury deanery with the permission of the Church of England and was celebrated by the Rt Rev. Mark Davies, the Bishop of Shrewsbury.
The abbey was full to capacity as hundreds of local Catholics and about a dozen priests turned out for the event on a blazing Saturday afternoon.
The Mass began with the singing of the Te Deum, in which the congregation asked for the intercession of such saints as St Winefride, whose tomb used to lie in the abbey, and such local martyrs as the Elizabethans Blessed Robert Johnson and Blessed Richard Martin.
In his homily, Bishop Davies recalled the example and inspiration of the saints.
Bishop Davies said: “We have come together as part of this year-long celebration to the historic Abbey Church of Shrewsbury where we are reminded of the many, what the Book of the Apocalypse calls ‘a huge number impossible to count’ who have walked this path of faith before us.
“The Letter to the Hebrews describes them as ‘a great cloud of witnesses’ encouraging us on every side.
“At a moment when we hear voices say Christianity stands on the wrong side of history the eloquent silence of these stones, which have witnessed here so many crises and calamities in England’s history, remind us of the side of history on which we wish to forever stand.
“As we declare at the end of this Mass: with all the saints! The great saints of our history and those men and women of whom nothing is remembered except the witness of their faith which they left as an inheritance for us.”
Bishop Davies also spoke of the present situation of Church and noted the rapid pace of secularisation which may leave Christians in a minority by the end of the decade.
He said this represented “one of the most momentous changes in our history since the missionaries sent by Pope Gregory arrived on the coast of Kent in the Spring of 597 AD”.
“However, I wish to suggest today in this Abbey Church so bound-up with our long Christian story this may not be an entirely negative development,” the Bishop continued.
“It may serve to dispel ambiguities and will surely require of Christians a greater clarity in both our teaching and our witness.
“As Catholics we speak of this situation as demanding nothing less than a ‘new evangelisation’, a new proclamation of the Gospel in our time. It is ‘new’ because we face a new and changed situation.
“It was surely with this in mind that our Emeritus Pope Benedict called for the Year of Faith we are now celebrating.”
He added: “This Year is to be an invitation, in Pope Benedict’s own words, to ‘rediscover the joy of believing and enthusiasm in communicating the faith’ and ‘to profess the faith in fullness and with a renewed conviction’.
“This is surely what is needed as we stand at a crossroads, a true crisis in our history.”
The congregation was first welcomed into the abbey by the Rev. Paul Firmin, the vicar of Shrewsbury Abbey and St Peter’s, who described them as “my brothers and sisters in Christ”.
“I am absolutely delighted to welcome you here today,” he said. “I understand that this may be the second Roman Catholic Mass since the Reformation.
“That makes it about one every 200 years,” he joked. “I hope it won’t be 200 years to the next one – I sure we can arrange that.”
Shrewsbury Abbey was founded in 1083 and by the early 16th century was one of the most wealthy and important of more than 600 monasteries throughout the country, and was ruled by a “mitred abbot” who also sat Parliament.
It was dissolved in 1540 by King Henry VIII and the shrine of St Winefride, today a patron of the Diocese of Shrewsbury, was desecrated.
Following improvements in ecumenical relations since the Second Vatican Council, Benedictine monks were about a decade ago permitted to celebrate Mass at the abbey for the first time since its dissolution.

(Photos by Simon Caldwell)

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Homily at the Northern Catholic Conference Liverpool Hope University, 9th June

The recent analysis of the 2011 Census results appears to indicate that before the end of this decade Christianity – once the faith of the great majority of British people – will become the faith of a significant minority. If most English people no longer identify themselves as Christians it will surely be one of the most momentous changes in our history since missionaries sent by Pope Gregory arrived on the coast of Kent in the year 597 AD. However, I want to suggest today that this may not be an entirely negative development as it dispels any ambiguity and requires of Christians a greater clarity in both teaching and witness. As Catholics we speak of this as nothing less than a “new evangelisation”, a new proclamation of the Gospel in our time. It is “new” not because there is a new faith or a new Gospel but because we face a new and changed situation. It was surely with this in mind that Pope Benedict called for the “Year of Faith” as an invitation in Pope Emeritus’s words to “rediscover the joy of believing and enthusiasm in communicating the faith” (PF n.7) and “to profess the faith in fullness and with a renewed conviction” (PF n.9). This is surely what is now needed and it is what this Northern Catholic Conference sets out to address.
In the first of the Scripture readings the prophet Elijah is confronted amid drought and famine with the death of a widow’s son and prays: “Lord, my God may the soul … I beg you, come into him again” (I Kings 17: 21). The Church comes not to bring condemnation, as the widow at Zarepath feared, but to offer this same word of life to a post-Christian Britain wherever there is “no breath of life” left in us. “Now I know … the word of the Lord in your mouth is truth itself” said the woman (I Kings17: 24). I suspect most people in our country have never consciously rejected Christianity but have somehow lost the Christian memory to the extent we might speak of a “national amnesia”, a forgetfulness of our past and our identity. The great Christian festivals of Christmas and Easter may remain our national holidays but the saving truths they proclaim are often dimly if at all perceived. I think of a group of youngsters on a street corner who asked me, “Are you a vicar?” and they volunteered the information that not one of them had ever been inside a church in their lives. I was not met with any hostility but rather with incomprehension. I suspect this may represent a wider situation in our society.
In the most recent debates in Parliament on the identity of marriage you may have been struck by a similar, sometimes breath-taking ignorance of the Christian foundations of our society. After fourteen centuries of Christian England it is a sad situation but one which also offers the opportunity to rediscover, in Pope Benedict’s words, the joy of believing the fullness of the faith. The faith which is not a human ideology, as St. Paul told the Galatians (Gal. 1: 11) but a Divine call. It is the encounter with Jesus Christ which offers not only to the young man being carried out to his burial but to every person, to a once Christian people the invitation: “I tell you arise” (Luke 7: 11-17).
I know many voices may urge us to leave well alone, not to disturb what appears dead in our society. Should we not be realistic and concede that the defence of human life, the identity of marriage and the integrity of the family is all but lost? Should we best remain silent so as not to weaken the Church’s increasingly, precarious standing in society? We might, indeed, be tempted to speak only of those concerns which accord with the social consensus around us. Pope Francis, however, shows us a different approach by his startlingly, direct way of speaking and the clear witness of his actions. In the North of England we certainly understand plain speaking! The contemporary world, Pope Francis has shown us, is often more ready to listen and take notice than we as Christians are ready to speak or give witness. Amid the twilight of a Christian England this witness will shine out more clearly.
In the witness this moment in history demands of us we should not expect to find safety in numbers. Catholics in this country have known quite a lot about being a minority. The lack of social supports can serve to bring us back anew to the true source of our life. Generations before us never doubted by what the Church’s mission lives or dies: “It is the Mass,” they said “which matters!” This conference comes to its conclusion where our life and mission begins anew every week at Mass, in the Eucharist. Pope Benedict observed that every great reform, every renewal of the Church’s life and mission is “in some way been linked to the rediscovery of belief in the Lord’s Eucharistic presence amongst his people” (SC n.6). It is Christ Himself, truly present in the Eucharist, who calls us amid all that is dying, like that young man at Nain, to rise and walk again. St Ignatius of Antioch said at the dawn of 2nd Christian Century what applies equally to 21st Century Britain: in the Eucharist, he declared, we have “the medicine, the antidote for death and the food that makes us live forever in Jesus Christ” (cf. p.97 “Compendium of the Catechism). May we come to recognise this more clearly. Amen.

Friday, 3 May 2013

National Bible Conference at Ushaw College

A national Bible conference held at the historic venue of Ushaw College, near Durham, has been affirmed as beginning a potential ‘sea change’ in Catholic Bible ministry and outreach in England and Wales.
Bishop Peter Brignall, Wrexham, a member of the Bishops’ Conference Department for Evangelisation and Catechesis, attended the Word of the Lord conference, 24 – 26 April, along with more than 70 delegates from across England and Wales. He said:
"This gathering is the first of its kind in a generation and as such marks a very significant moment, a potential sea change, in the profile and importance of the Bible in Catholic life in England and Wales. The Word of God lies at the heart of Catholic life and initiatives such as this conference are pivotal to encouraging others to read, study and pray with the Scriptures. The conference is one of a series of bible-focused initiatives that have been generated by a new working group established by the Bishops' Department for Evangelisation and Catechesis in partnership with Bible Society. It’s hoped that more and more people will receive the invitation to listen to and proclaim, through many different means, God’s Word, which is the Word of Life."
Among the keynote speakers at the conference was former Master of the Dominican Order worldwide, Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP, who highlighted the importance of listening, that entering into the conversation with God meanslistening to others, particularly to women and to the poor.
Meanwhile, Dom Henry Wansbrough of Ampleforth Abbey, one of the leading Catholic Scripturescholars in England and Wales, gave an overview of how the biblical apostolate was embraced by Catholics before and after Vatican II. Michelle Moran, President of Catholic Charismatic Renewal, invited those gathered to embrace the call of the Word to engage in the mission of the Church.
Group Chief Executive of Bible Society, James Catford, was also welcomed at the event and presented with an icon of Saint Mark in appreciation of the assistance provided by the Society to organise the conference. He said:
"This conference represents an exciting next step in our journey together with the Scriptures. The themes of the conference have challenged us to consider afresh how we pass on God's word in the written scriptures, through the Arts and through the witness of our lives. It has been a timely invitation to 'be the word' for others."
The Conference was initiated by the Department for Evangelisation and Catechesis of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, in partnership with the Centre for Catholic Studies at Durham University, and Bible Society. One of the highlights of the conference was the launch of a new study guide, entitled The Word of the Lord, produced by the Department and published by the Catholic Truth Society. The guide is designed to assist reading of Pope Benedict’s Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini which was issued in response to the Synod of Bishops on the Bible held in Rome in 2008. Delegates also visited Durham Cathedral and prayed at the tomb of the Venerable Bede, doctor of the Church, and patron of Scripture scholarship in these lands.
Fr Adrian Graffy, member of the Bishops' Scripture Working Group, said:
"The whole event was so energising. The delegates were so positive and the speakers excellent. In the Year of Faith it was an opportunity to deepen our appreciation of Scripture at the heart of the Church in this country and to make plans for the years ahead."
Ingelise McNulty, who attended as a member of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Evangelisation Team said:
"I am lost for words. I really enjoyed the conference and it was so good to be there."
Bishop Seamus Cunningham (Hexham and Newcastle) and Bishop Edwin Regan (Emeritus Wrexham) were in attendance and a video message was played to delegates from Bishop Kieran Conry (Arundel and Brighton).

Saturday, 13 April 2013

A Parable - shamelessly stolen from another blog (Field of Dreams)

There was once a Jewish restaurant, moderately successful, and one of the things that attracted at least some of its customers was that it advertised itself as strictly kosher. That means much more, you understand, than that it did not serve pork chops or prawn cocktails. The kitchens were regularly inspected by the local Rabbi, who gave it a certificate saying that all food was being prepared in accordance with the rules of Torah.
Many of the regular customers were, naturally, observant Jews for whom the keeping of the dietary rules was a matter of religious obligation. Others were Jews of a more liberal attitude, who did not necessarily always keep the rules for religious reasons, but because they were part of their Jewish cultural identity. They liked to meet their more observant friends there, too. And there were even  non-Jews who just liked the decor and the friendly atmosphere of the restaurant, and enjoyed Jewish cooking now and then.
One day, the old manager retired, and the new temporary acting-manager said, “We would get a lot more customers if we dropped all those silly kosher rules, and became a general restaurant like others in our area. Anyway, it is insulting that we have to have the Rabbi in to inspect our kitchens, as if we cannot be trusted to maintain hygiene. Surely the local council health inspectorate is enough?”
So the kosher rules were dropped. But of course, the strictly observant Jews now had to go elsewhere to be sure that their food was kosher (luckily there was another Jewish restaurant, not too far away but in a less posh area). Some of the chefs too felt they must move to the other establishment (where they already did some part time work). And even some of the less observant Jews began to feel that there was less point in going to this place, if the Jewish dimension was dropped. And (because this was a time of recession, and the other restaurants in the area were already struggling for customers) the expected new clientele failed to materialise.
Qui legit, intellegit.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Why am I not surprised?

The Church of England yesterday gave a green light to wedding-style services for couples in civil partnerships despite its official opposition to same-sex marriage.

A report from the Church’s doctrine watchdog urged priests to devise “pastoral accommodations” for gay couples” and to be “flexible”.
It said the aim was to enable them to enjoy a “closer approximation” to marriage.
The senior bishop who drafted the missive to priests insisted that it did not amount to a policy u-turn and that an official ban on formal "blessings" for civil partnerships remained in place.
But he said it was clear there was a need for committed same-sex couples to be given recognition and “compassionate attention” from the Church, including special prayers.
Liberal priests, who already conduct unofficial dedication and thanksgiving for gay couples who are not allowed to marry, said it amounted to the first official endorsement for what they do.
The Church of England leadership has been strongly opposed to David Cameron’s plan’s to redefine marriage which it maintains must be between a man and a woman.
But the new Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, has spoken of having “no truck with homophobia” and described gay couples having a “stunning” level of commitment.
Church of England rules prevent priests conducting civil partnership ceremonies or performing formal “blessing” services afterwards, similar to those previously offered to divorcees when they could not remarry in church.
But scores of such services take place under the radar across the country every year, usually called services of thanksgiving or dedication to avoid falling foul of the rules.
They vary from small, informal prayers to full wedding-like services complete with a celebration of the eucharist.
High profile churches such as Southwark Cathedral and St Martin-in-the-Fields in London are among those in which some form of dedication for civil partnerships take place openly.
The report by the Church’s Faith and Order Commission, chaired by the Bishop of Coventry, the Rt Rev Christopher Cocksworth, a leading traditionalist, insisted that marriage should remain between a man and a woman and said that gay relationships fell short of God’s “ideal”.
But it also condemned “censorious judgment” and urged priests not to treat the issue of recognising civil partnerships as “simply closed”, urging them to approach the question on a case-by-case basis.
“In pastoral responses a degree of flexibility may be called for in finding ways to express the Church’s teaching practically,” it said.
“In affirming its belief in marriage as the form the creator has given us for intimate and permanent relationship of a man and a woman, the Church does not treat questions of what is possible in hard circumstances or exceptional conditions as simply closed. They require pastoral wisdom.”
It draws a direct parallel between civil partnerships and questions the Church faced in the past over whether to marry divorcees or even the approach taken by clerics in Africa when deciding how to deal with people in polygamous marriages who then convert to Christianity.
“What [the Church] can do is devise accommodations for specific conditions, bearing witness in special ways to the abiding importance of the norm,” it adds.
“Well-designed accommodations proclaim the form of life given by God’s creative goodness and bring those in difficult positions into closer approximation to it.”
Bishop Cocksworth insisted that there was no change in policy and that the Church was not calling for “public, formal blessing services”.
He said that marriage was the “designated relationship” for heterosexual couples but that the law had now created a special class of relationship for gay couples – civil partnerships.
“People within them deserve respect and compassionate attention from the Church, care and prayer," he said.
“The form of the prayer will depend upon the particular case in hand.”
He said the Church needed to accommodate those for whom “the ideal of marriage isn’t possible for all sorts of reasons.”
Rev Dr Giles Fraser, a leading liberal cleric, said that it was clear from the document that the Church’s stance had shifted even if the official policy had not.
“What this is saying is that you can bless civil partnerships as long as you don’t say that is what you are doing," he said.
“They are winking at people like me saying ‘be creative’ – it is a classic Anglican fudge.
“In effect what it is saying is you can do it as long as you don’t say that is what you are doing – call it something different, be as imaginative as you can.
“But the truth is this is how change happens in the Church of England.”
It came as the Archbishop of Wales signalled that the Church in Wales should reconsider its teaching on homosexuality.
He told the Church’s governing body that it should also debate cutting its last links to the state in response to gay marriage.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Holy Week in Soho!

This weekend the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham takes over the running of the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and Saint Gregory, Warwick Street. 

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

RE Teachers need 'training in Biblical literacy' - Report,

Britain’s RE teachers need ‘training in biblical literacy’ if they’re to do their jobs effectively.

This is the key finding in a Bible Society report that has gone before the All Party Parliamentary Group on Religious Education. Bible Society was among several organisations that contributed to a consultation on the subject last month.

The All Party Group was set up in 2012 to safeguard the teaching of religious education in Britain’s schools. Bible Society’s report to the All Party Group said that there was a ‘gap’ between how students saw the Bible and how teachers felt about it. And it infers that teachers are not sufficiently trained to teach the subject. ‘Pupils consider the Bible to be important, relevant and worthy of respect,’ said Bible Society’s Canon Dr Ann Holt, a former government education adviser and teacher, ‘whereas teachers expect students to describe the Bible as boring, old-fashioned and irrelevant.’ Hear more from Ann on Premier Radio.

Ann added that it was vital that students ‘became more aware’ that the Bible’s relevance was not only for Christians. And she said that the ‘challenge inherent in teaching’ about the Bible ‘must be addressed’ particularly because there was a ‘worrying trend that biblical illiteracy is on the increase among young people’.

‘RE remains the place where pupils gain significant biblical knowledge, yet this biblical knowledge doesn’t always develop into its fullest potential,’ she said. ‘The most pressing needs of teachers of RE in both the primary and secondary sectors is for further training in biblical literacy,’ she added.